Comedone Extraction Acne Treatment

Comedone Extraction Treatment at Ambrosia Aesthetics: Clearer, Healthier Skin

Comedones, those pesky clogged pores that manifest as blackheads or whiteheads, can be a common and frustrating skin issue. While there are countless over-the-counter remedies claiming to banish them, seeking professional comedone extraction treatment at a dermatology clinic is often the most effective and safest solution.

Besides comedone extractions, at Ambrosia Aesthetics, our chief dermatologist, Dr. Niketa Sonavane, makes a detailed clinical and hormonal assessment to underatand the cause of her patients' comedonal acne.

Understanding Comedones

Before diving into the details of the treatment, let's first understand what comedones are. Comedones are small bumps on the skin that occur when hair follicles become clogged with oil, dead skin cells, and sometimes bacteria. These clogged pores can develop due to various factors, including excessive oil production, hormonal fluctuations, genetics, and improper skincare routines. There are two primary types:

Blackheads (Open Comedones):

These appear as small, dark spots on the skin's surface. The dark color is not due to dirt but rather oxidized melanin and oil trapped within the pore.

Whiteheads (Closed Comedones):

These are tiny, flesh-colored bumps with a closed surface. The pore is completely blocked, preventing the trapped material from oxidizing and turning black.

The Importance of Professional Treatment

While it's tempting to attempt comedone extraction at home, it's essential to understand the potential risks involved. Squeezing or picking at comedones without the proper knowledge and tools can lead to inflammation, infection, scarring, and even worsen the condition.

Professional comedone extraction treatment provided by a dermatology clinic offers several advantages:


Dermatologists are trained to assess your skin's condition and determine the most suitable extraction method.

Hygiene and Safety:

Dermatologists follow strict hygiene protocols, minimizing the risk of infection during the procedure.

Minimal Discomfort:

Professionals can use topical anesthetics or numbing agents to ensure your comfort during the extraction.

The Comedone Extraction Procedure

Comedone extraction is a carefully performed procedure that involves several steps:

Pre-treatment Assessment:

Dr. Niketa Sonavane will examine your skin to determine the type and extent of comedones and whether you're a suitable candidate for extraction.


The area to be treated is thoroughly cleansed with a gentle enzyme cleanser to remove any makeup, dirt, oils and also soften the comedones.


Using specialized tools, Dr. Niketa Sonavane will gently and precisely extract the comedones. She may use techniques such as manual extraction or comedone extractors to remove the contents of the clogged pore.


Following the extraction, our dermatologist will provide guidance on post-treatment care. This typically includes gentle skincare for the next 3 days and products to use or avoid.

Pain Management and Comfort

One common concern about comedone extraction is pain. While some discomfort may be experienced, we at Ambrosia Aesthetics can take steps to minimize it. Dr. Niketa Sonavane prefers to apply a numbing cream or use local anesthesia to ensure you're as comfortable as possible during the procedure.

Benefits of Comedone Extraction

The benefits of professional comedone extraction are numerous:

Improved Skin Texture: 

Removal of comedones can lead to smoother, clearer skin and prevention of skin purging.

Reduced Risk of Scarring:

Professional extraction minimizes the chances of ice-pick scarring, which can occur with comedonal acne.

Who Should Consider Comedone Extraction

Individuals with persistent comedones, especially those with concerns about blackheads or whiteheads, can benefit from professional comedone extraction. Our dermatologist will assess your skin and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan based on your unique needs.


If you're dealing with stubborn comedones, professional comedone extraction treatment at Ambrosia Aesthetics dermatology clinic is a safe and effective solution. Don't let these skin concerns take a toll on your self-confidence. Schedule a consultation at our clinic today to start your journey towards clearer, healthier skin.

Our Acne Transformations

Our Doctors

Ambrosia Aesthetics is a speciality Dermatology and Plastic Surgery clinic led by Dr. Niketa Sonavane and Dr. Siddharth Prakash.

Among the various treatments provided here is the Acne Treatment Program guided by Dr. Niketa Sonavane. This program has helped over five thousand patients gain healthy skin over the past decade.

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Ambrosia Aesthetics - Dermatology and Plastic Surgery Clinic

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